Sagara Technology Leadership

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Adi Arriansyah

Founder, Group Chairman
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Devi Oktaviani

Chief Executive Officer
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Arif Dzikrullah

Director of Engineering Excellence
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Ningtyas Intan Lestari

Director of Operational Excellence
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Nira Nirwana

Head of IT Projects Excellence
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Nadya Zakia Fitria

Head of IT Projects Excellence
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Novira Aulia Salsabila

Head of IT Outsources Excellence
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Gabriella Wisthatisna

Head of People & Culture Excellence
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Enricko Lukman

Head of Marketing & Crisis Management Excellence
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Adhytia Wirasaputra

Head of Creative and Innovation Excellence
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Zhara Marchellina

Head of Finance Excellence
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Muhammad Akbar

Engineering Excellence Manager
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Nazla Andintya Wijaya

IT Projects Excellence Manager
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Jevri Dwi Wahyunata

Business Development Excellence Manager
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Emilia Ratika

Strategic Partnership Excellence Manager
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Amelia Tiffany

People & Culture Excellence Manager
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Maulana Arie

Finance Excellence Manager
Tech Consultant